Shinydocs Data Understanding Video Series

Welcome to our Data Understanding Library!

Understanding your data is critical to business growth. And as data experts, we know that when you don’t understand the function or potential of data, it can be pretty confusing. That’s why we created our Data Understanding video series.

This four part series guides you through the basics to help you build a strong foundation of knowledge.

In this Data Understanding video series you will learn:

  How understanding your data unlocks powerful business insights
  The importance of combining structured and unstructured data
  Why connecting, mapping, enriching, and searching your data will transform your business
  And much more...
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Data Intelligence 101

In the first video, we start from the beginning. Shedding light on data understanding, why it’s crucial to your business and, importantly, how to get started.
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Navigating Your Data

Diving deeper into the complexities of data, we define redundant, obsolete, and trivial data, and why disposing of it is a good idea. We also explore concepts relating to mapping your information in order to easily search it.
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Data Enrichment Part 1

In Data Enrichment Part 1, we cover the fundamentals of data enrichment, why it’s crucial, and how combining structured and unstructured data can reveal awesome insights.
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Data Enrichment Part 2

In our final video, we recap our series and continue our data enrichment conversation. At the end, we field all of your burning data questions in a Q&A.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Shinydocs Data Understanding video series?

These videos will help you better understand your organization's data by providing insights into data quality, data type, and data relevance. They offer a comprehensive look at how to analyze and categorize data using advanced algorithms and machine learning.

What do the Data Understanding Library videos include?

These videos include information on how to use advanced techniques to analyze and categorize data. They cover a range of topics, such as file type, size, and content analysis, to help your gain a better understanding of your data.

What are the benefits of watching the Data Understanding video series?

Information in these videos can help you improve data governance, compliance, and overall efficiency. You can also learn how to identify data that is redundant, obsolete, or trivial (ROT), which can be safely deleted or archived.